Page Suggestions: Freemasonry

List of 'Alleged' Programmers

Original sources:,,

The following information and its appendix was obtained from The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler. See the Table of Contents in the web archives.

Writers: Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler |

Outline of Appendix 1

According to the original site owner, they were asked to remove the following information, and it was removed so the information we are sharing on this website is limited for this reason. What we have shared here was found in the web archives and can be checked out for yourselves.

Here is a brief list of 'alleged' abusers who are 'allegedly' part of the illuminati new world order. There is no doubt that there are far more illuminati members in the Nashville, TN metropolitan area but we have not added or subtracted from this list. We have only shared precisely what was given by the original source. The given addresses may not be current.

According to the original source, this information may have mistakes. This is only to display to readers that the veil of secrecy is no longer holding up for the Mind Control Programmers.

satanic Rock Band
11 Leonminster Rd., Morden, Surrey SM4, England
Ade, Henry
CIA and drug dealer and Monarch slave abuser
1663 County Rd. 13, Waterloo, IN 46793
Aga Khan IV, H.H. Prince Karim
Satanist and leader of Ismaili Muslims
Aiglemont, 60270 Gouvieux. France
Alabama Country Music group
satanists and Monarch slave handlers
Box 529,Ft. Payne, AL 35967
Baily, John
slave abuser
1525 Pine St., Office 10. Redding, CA 96001
Barnes, Don
slave abuser and in county sherriff office
7309 Grove Rd.,Frederick, MD 21701 301-694-2152; 1513 Cedarcrest Ln, Frederick, MD21702301-663-8316
Benson, Ezra Taft
satanist/leader of LDS church, Church of Jesus Christ, Administration Bldg.
47 E. S. Temple. Salt Lake City, UT 84415
Bowers, Wilbur D.
Ipsimus in Illuminati and Monarch programmer and CIA drugdealer
1735 NE 11th, Bend, OR 97701 ph. 503-EV2-5162 (EV for ‘evergreen’)
Brown, Edmund G. (Jerry). Jr.
Illuminati satanist and CA politician and slave abuser
700 S. Flower St., #600, Los Angeles, CA 90017 (ph 415-928-6346, 415-928-5073)
Brown, Charlie
Air Force Intelligence and murderer and Monarch slave abuser
Box 8, Greenbrier, TN
133 East 18th St., NY, NY 10021 Bus. 212-371-3200
Byrd, Robert C
Satanist and mind-control programmer and Senator from W.VA
311 Senate Hart Office Bldg., Washington. D.C. 20501
Clinton, Hillary
Illuminati witch and mind-control slave handler
(address besides White House) Rose Law Firm, 120 E. 4tn St., Little Rock.Ark. 72201
Cochran, Hank
CIA drug kingpin
Hendersonville, TN, 615-824-7011
Cox, Wayne
Satanic High Priest and Monarch handler and dangerous serial killer
Rt. l. Box 84, Chatham, LA 71226
Dante, Michael (Michael Vitti)
Monarch slave abuser and porn maker
3485 Canon Drive. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 218-858-9425; Orange, CA 92665, 714637-0590
Day, Brad
slave abuser and coke pusher
5300 Las Pablanos NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107
Drake, Jim (and son)
slave abuser and porn/drug distributor
11173 N. Kendall Dr. #F105, Miami, FL 33176
Fonda, Peter
RR #38, Livingston, MT 59047
Fonda, Jane
c/o Fonda Films, P.O. Box 1198, Santa Monica, CA 90406
Gavoruhk, John
Police chief working for Illuminati, protects Monarch programmers/handlers
121 Partridge Circle, Winter Springs, FL 32708305-699-0618
Grace, J. Peter
business leader and illuminati
CCAGW, 1301Connecticut Ave., NW. #400, Washington, DC 20036
Grateful Dead
satanic cult rock band and Illuminati cocaine distributors
P.O. Box 1566, Main Office St., Montclair, N.J. 07043
Greene, Jack
CIA and white slavery and Monarch slave abuser and country entertainer
Box 485A Goodlettsville, TN 615-859-3284
Haggard, Merle
slave abuser and country singer
P.O. Box 536, Palo Cedro, CA 96073
Hestbeck, Vaughn
Monarch abuser and Danish cocaine distributor
515 Rhapsody Paquet Cruises; 1007 N. American Way, Miami, FL 33176
Hope, Bob
slave owner and slave handler with intelligence agencies
3808 Riverside Dr., Burbank, CA 91505
Houston, Alex
satanist and Monarch programmer and CIA
1155 Ridge Hill Rd, Goodlettsville, TN 37072 615-859-3543
Hummell, Ed
Monarch programmer, Cattleman’s Steak and Seafood Company
10260 S.W. Nimbus Ave. Suite M-3, Tigard, OR 97223 503-620-7824 (also LasVegas?)
Humperdink, Englebert
Castro Valley. CA 94546 510-733-6085

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